
The best mobile apps, developed for your business.


App Development

We specialize in building tailored mobile apps, from simple to cutting-edge.

At techurve we have the skills and experience necessary to build your mobile app project from the ground up, that is why we offer the service of App Development for business growth, which can be broken down into the following parts:

  • Strategy We provide strategy consulting, strategy consists of business strategy and IT strategy. In essence we help you find out if the app will achieve goals that you have in mind and evaluating if building a mobile app is the best way to achieve these goals.
  • User Interface and Experience Design To have a beautifully designed mobile app, we usually go through a couple of design sprints, where we make mock-ups of how the app would look like, this is later evaluated to see if it matches your brand and standards.
  • App Development We develop your mobile app.
  • Deployment and Monitoring Deployment means releasing your app to the required app stores so that your users can start using the app and getting value from it. We also offer the ability to monitor the app, to give improvements through updates when necessary.

Throughout the process of developing the app we like to keep in close contact with our clients to make sure that what we are building really addresses the problems or desires of your audience. We therefore require our clients to meet often with our developers in order to keep our quality output consistent.

Curious what this means for your company and how much it will cost ?

We offer consultation calls, to dive into the specifics of your company and idea or problem. Out of a consultation call you can expect to understand:

  • Whether an mobile app is the best path to grow your company, or if there are available alternatives.
  • A cost estimation of developing your app with Techurve
  • Possible business models for your app.
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