Zwiers Online Platform

Zwiers Training App


Increasing the value you provide to your clients is possible by a precise combination of your domain expertise with a purpose built application by our team. This is the case of the Zwiers Online Training Platform. We created a web application that currently serves 688 users 🎉.

Our Client

If you need help with corporate English language courses. we recommend our customer zwiers language. Our client provides advanced language courses such as juridical or financial english. The zwiers language center also specializes in organizing and preparing schools for english exams. Our platform helps them provide more value in a more scalable way to their school clients.

Exam Practice

The core feature of this platform is the ability to practice for English Exams. We created 50 exams in the app that students can practice. More exams can be added at any time in an user friendly way with our Exam Editor Page.

Students can practice the sample exams of their level. When they take an exam they need to answer it in one go. Once finished they immediately receive feedback on their answers and a the grade that they would have gotten on the actual exam.

This provides the benefit that students do not need to do any checking work as this is done for them by the app.

Teachers also benefit from using our platform. There are many advantages for teachers:

  • Monitor the performance of your students to find strong and weaker students.
  • Free time from preparing the students for exams and focus on your lessons.
  • Check the exams of your students in an already graded way.

AI Essay Feedback

A core part of English exams are graded essays. This checks if a student is able to communicate in a written way in English.

Historically it's difficult to practice for these kind of tests.

  • Some students with difficulties hire expensive tutors to help review and improve their writing.
  • For teachers it's very time consuming to help all of their students improve their writing by reviewing all their essays simply because they have 20-30 students in their class.

For these reasons the skill of writing essays is under practiced or entirely left aside.

Practice is the main way to improve any skill however. This is the challenge that we decided to take on with the AI Writing Tutor.

Our AI Writing Tutor has already reviewed 416 essays from students. Saving an estimated 148 hours.

If you want to read about the technical side of the project click here.

AI can increase your profits by automating many repeating tasks within your business.

Want to collaborate on a project talk to us.