Topper App
Motivation For This App 🤔
What if you could become world class at what you do ?
If you were in the top 10 in the world at your profession, how would your day look like ?
For business owners, I can ask what would happen if your employees would all be true experts in their profession ? Naturally your business would outperform everyone else.
In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell sets a clear path for this goal.
In fact, researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: ten thousand hours.
Ten. thousand. hours.
As soon as you reach ten thousand hours of practice you will become a master in your field. Or so is claimed by Gladwell.
In a full time job of 40 hours per week, this means that achieving mastery at your job will take you 250 weeks, or 5 years.

Figure: This graph shows how many years it will take you to achieve expertise according to how many hours a day you practice your chosen skill.
Simple, no ?
- for individuals, wait five years at the same job and you will be an expert at it.
- for business owners, only hire 5 years of experience.
Unfortunately, it's not so simple.
We can see this through a few counterexamples:
- Attending many meetings at work would make you an world class meeting person.
- Making small talk, would make you an expert conversationalist.
So what is missing in the mastery equation ?
In my opinion, what is missing is motivation and focus on improving in the moment.
One of the ways in which we can improve this motivation and focus on improving is through feedback.
It is clear to us that feedback and self reflection is a great path for personal development. You don't need to take my word for it, there is research to back this up.
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With this in mind, let's think about the current situation.
- at how many jobs have you given feedback to someone ?
- at how many jobs have you received feedback formally, what about informally ?
- would you feel comfortable giving feedback to your boss ?
In my personal experience I have only received feedback informally for very specific things. Like what task I should have been focusing on.
The core feature of the app is to write feedbacks.
Feedback can be structured creatively.
Images are great at showing physical or visual achievements 🎉.
Text acts as a base to communicate something in the feedback.
When giving feedback there is a balance that needs to be achieved between being to harsh and too soft.
We added the top (or compliment) and the tip (or suggestion) to the app to help users achieve this balance.
Another option that users have are sliders, this gives a score from 0% to 100%. We made sliders into a really interesting tool in this project because we linked them to the goals of the entire organization.
This means that managers and directors can know via the app on average how much the organization as a whole is progressing along company goals.
A colleague can give you tops - compliments and tips - suggestions to improve. One of the main widgets is the slider widget which gives a rating from 0% to 100%.
Self Reflection
A self reflection is a feedback which is written by and sent to yourself. During a self reflection you take a moment of time to think about your performance and give suggestions to yourself. Many times you already have the answers in mind of the correct thing that you must do to improve your performance, all you need is to write it down to help your mind put the thoughts together. This is supported by many research into learning.
Organization Goals
Every time someone starts a feedback, they can give a rating of the performance based on the organization goals. The organization goals can then be monitored by the manager or director to see if the goals that are focused on this year are being improved or not. This let's a director have a data driven insight on the performance of teachers.
Do you want to make your business processes more structured and efficient ? contact us.
You will meet Stijn and Mark for a 30 minute meeting to discuss your best options based on our experience. This consultation call is free of cost.